Monday, May 16, 2011

BAYCP - Hike-Nic!

pt reyes 
Point Reyes Hike-nic*
May 21st
12:00 Noon at Bear Valley Visitor Center
Hike through beautiful Pt. Reyes National Seashore Park! Saunter down lush and casual Bear Valley Trail out to Arch Rock, where we'll picnic on the bluffs overlooking ocean waves. Bring your own drink and sandwich. Optional dinner at Osteria Stellina at 5pm. Meet at Bear Valley Visitor Center in Point Reyes at Noon. For directions and more information about the park, click HERE. Please RSVP to Sandra at 510-334-4965 or email. (Hosted by BAYCP)
*Formerly known as Bike-nic

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Summer Camp!

Register here for our Summer Retreat for 20s & 30s for Friday evening through Sunday morning, June 10th - 12th! We will be staying at the Marin Headlands Hostel near Rodeo Beach. Linens and blankets provided, as is food (5 meals) & lodging (2 nights). The theme for the retreat is "Child-like Faith." We will be exploring what it means and looks like to have faith like a child through talks, discussion, arts, crafts, worship, other fun activities and free time! Cost for the retreat: $100. Space is limited to under 20 persons. Please make checks payable to First Pres or FPCB and bring to church on a Sunday to the front reception desk or to Evans in an envelope marked "Evans." Checks can also be mailed: 2407 Dana St. Attn: Evans Presley-McGowan. We will email the group with further details the first week of June, including suggested carpooling.
Any questions? Contact Mika or Evans