Monday, July 19, 2010

Alameda Beach Day!

Come join us for an afternoon at our local beach down the road in Alameda. We're going World Cup style with games, face paint, and flags. Opening ceremonies (we start the games) at 1:30.

Regardless of your level of competitive spirit or physical ability, we would love your presence for this fun afternoon together! kook, hoops, kicking, throwing, smiling. Feel free to bring a drink or snack to share and your game face.

We'll be along the beach somewhere between Park St and Kitty Hawk Rd (link to a map).

Looking forward to seeing you and a few new friends there!

Nicole: 510.316.6196

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Late Afternoon in the Park!

Join us at Ohlone Park in Berkeley this Saturday, July 10th, 4pm - 7pm.  We'll be enjoying the late afternoon soon, throwing a frisbee or other ball around, and just hanging out.  Bring a snack, side dish or other munchies to share.  See you there!  Email Andy if you have any questions.

Sci-Fi Book Group

Interested in science-fiction? Want to read and discuss themes in sci-fi books? Join a group of others unabashedly interested in exploring multiple universes. Most discussions will happen online about once a month, with opportunities to meet at a local pub for further sharing. Contact Carl Olsen for more info.