Open Door Small Group

***NOTE: Open Door is on summer break until August 18th ***

The Open Door is a great way for young adults to meet others and get connected with a small group. We meet every Wednesday at 7pm at our new location, the bottom floor of McKinley (come to the central plaza area, and you can’t miss us!). This Spring we've been working our way through the Gospel of John, discussing everything from Heaven and Hell to Calling and Community of Christ.  A light snack is provided, guided study of the Word and ending in prayer - with sometimes a multimedia song/video thrown in too!

The intention is that after several weeks of meeting together, the group will build up enough relationships and understanding to be given the option to spin-off into their own small group.

We have new people every week – stop on by!

For more info about the Open Door or other Young Adult Small Groups, email Evans.