Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Called to Serve

Here is a great class being offered at First Pres in G208 at 10am on Sundays this month and into July.  Check it out!

June 5, 2011 – Steve Easton, Retired Superior Court Judge working with delinquency                          
cases. Developed peer court and juvenile drug court. First Pres.
June 12, 2011 – Elizabeth Webb and Kishma Patnaik of Johnson O’Connor
Research Foundation: non-profit scientific research and educational
organization providing testing services and career guidance.  
June 19, 2011 - Catalino Tapia, Scholarship Founder, Bay Area Gardeners Foundation.
                         Encore Purpose Prize Winner 2008
June 26, 2011 – Bob Nelson, Bay Area Realtor. Encore interests include assisting                                    
  entrepreneurs toward sustainability and scalability. First Pres.’ poet
   and lyricist.           
July 3, 2011 – Ellen Chen, medical doctor and currently working full time as a wife
and mother of two children. Member of First Pres.                               
July 10, 2011 – Dr. Arthur Ammann, Founder of Global Strategies for HIV Prevention,
 to bring life-saving drugs to people in underserved regions. Member
 of First Pres.

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