Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Summer Camp!

Register here for our Summer Retreat for 20s & 30s for Friday evening through Sunday morning, June 10th - 12th! We will be staying at the Marin Headlands Hostel near Rodeo Beach. Linens and blankets provided, as is food (5 meals) & lodging (2 nights). The theme for the retreat is "Child-like Faith." We will be exploring what it means and looks like to have faith like a child through talks, discussion, arts, crafts, worship, other fun activities and free time! Cost for the retreat: $100. Space is limited to under 20 persons. Please make checks payable to First Pres or FPCB and bring to church on a Sunday to the front reception desk or to Evans in an envelope marked "Evans." Checks can also be mailed: 2407 Dana St. Attn: Evans Presley-McGowan. We will email the group with further details the first week of June, including suggested carpooling.
Any questions? Contact Mika or Evans

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